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Bloom's Taxonomy for iPad

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

This Blog has been created to motivate teachers from all around the world committed to 21st century children; to share and reflect about our daily labor and to learn about EdTech tools that will make our teaching life easier.

Check out this website for the best iPad Apps that can be used to foster students creating, evaluating, analyzing, applying, understanding and remembering skills.


Moreover, this is a wonderful website to search for various Educational Apps: teacher organizers and time savers, activities or reference apps are some of the types you can find classified in here. Check it out and discover them ASAP. Welcome EdTech in your classroom!

We personally use iDoceo as our classroom management App on a regular basis, and we all 3 can say is definitely saves up a lot of time and helps us out all the time when organizing our schedules, classes, student lists and grades. Specifically, grade scales can be adapted to each country hence this App can be used worldwide.

Underneath we can find a iDoceo 2.0 tutorial for those of you who are willing to start to use it!

Eva, Nerea and I highly encourage you to try it!

We hope we have given you some ideas and you've found the iDoceo explanation useful. 

Come back soon for upcoming posts!


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Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.


Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.